Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero +(57) – 310.200.97.32 Martha Ribero Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero UN CULTIVO DIFERENCIADO Café de Santander, Café
The following list contains the information about our beans origin, producers where our coffees are produced. Not all coffees are available immediately. Coffee T+ank team is specialize in Roasting and packing Specialty Coffee. Do note that availability for each coffee is subject to harvest period, logistics and inventories. We propose two way of roasting, both has spectacular results:
1.Classic Drum roasters
2.liquid fluid ING-Roasters
Learn more by calling us, Or send us a Whatsapp… anytime, +57.318.65.05.644.
Bourbon Rosado, better with French Press.
For rich and luxurious full immersion coffee. Thanks to that attribute it does really well with coffees meant to have big mouthfeel, as well as darker roasted bean
Hario V60For Bourbon Sidra.
As Sidra is a feminin elegant coffee, would be recomended to use V60 for the brew.The most recognizable icons of delicious manually brewed coffee. Its accessibility as a brewer is evidenced by its widespread use in both home and cafe, trusted by pros and enthusiasts alike to produce clean cups that highlight the best of whatever roasted coffee they’re using.
Espresso with Catimorì
The Perfect Choice.
Because It’s the only coffee brewing method that can extract the best of the 800 aromatic compounds found in roasted coffee without including the naturally occurring chlorogenic acids or more commonly categorized as tannins or tannic acids.
Such a complex coffee, brewed best with V60 …
For rich and luxurious coffee. As darker roasted as perfect roasted…
Catimorì is Espresso’s good friend.
We recommend NMR Roasters for espressos because It’s the only coffee roaster that can extract the best of the 800 aromatic compounds found. Roasting with air flow and conduction heat transfer which allow a better control of the agresivity you want to transfer to your beens.
Elegant Sidra, french press brewed, is a great equation.
As Sidra is a feminin elegant coffee, would be recomended to use ING- Roaster, liquid fluid. A must for delicious frutty & nice acidity coffee. With so much history behind this roaster you can trust that you will get to surprise each and every of your customers.
Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero +(57) – 310.200.97.32 Martha Ribero Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero UN CULTIVO DIFERENCIADO Café de Santander, Café
OFERTA EXPORTACION #0531 Café de Huila, Café de Origen FINCA BUENAVISTA – JOSE JOAQUIN ORDOÑEZ El proyecto coffee t+ank 01
OFERTA EXPORTACION #1206 Café de Huila, Café de Origen FINCA LAS GARMAS – Fernando Rosero Fernando Rosero Le projet coffee
El proyecto coffee t+ank Erosión Del Suelo: Tipos, Cómo Evitarla Y Controlarla La erosión degrada la calidad del suelo y es
El proyecto coffee t+ank Un bosque es más que una colección de árboles … El aumento de la concentración de