A specific amount of water comes in the form of condensed water vapor and depends on the climate, topography, type of vegetation, as well as hydrogeological conditions. The water layer is measured in mm (millimeters): 1 mm of precipitation per 1 ha (hectare) corresponds to 10 tons of water. As a result, the key task of a farmer is to maximize the accumulation, storage and efficient use of moisture. Of course, it is still challenging and therefore requires additional effort and work.
The Importance of Soil Moisture Content for Efficient Agriculture
None of the physical processes in the atmosphere and the environment can occur without water on planet Earth. Soil moisture depends on rainfall, the intensity of water consumption by plants or air temperature, among other factors. Proper soil moisture levels are of great importance for yield, therefore plants will not grow and develop with insufficient soil moisture. Water has other purposes, which are as follows:
Soil moisture levels affect air content, salinity, and the presence of toxic substances.
Regulates the structure, ductility and density.
Influences temperature and heat capacity
Prevents soil erosion
Determines the availability of the fields to be worked
Key Soil Moisture Parameters
The water level in the soil is expressed as the ratio between the amount of water and the weight of the dry soil (it can also be expressed as a percentage). In 2010, the World Meteorological Organization added soil moisture to the list of 50 essential climate variables that are recommended to be monitored regularly.
Soil moisture content is a value that determines the amount of water in a certain known amount of soil; It can be expressed as a percentage, water by weight or volume, or inches of water per foot of soil.
Soil moisture potential or soil moisture tension shows the degree to which water clings to the soil. It is expressed in units of pressure called bars. In general, the drier the soil is, the more water it will absorb.
Plant Available Water (PAW) is the amount of water available to a plant at a given time. Available water is the difference between the maximum amount of water the soil can hold and the wilting point at which the plant can no longer extract water. It is expressed in inches of available water per foot of soil.
The relationship between content and potential is not universal, it depends on characteristics such as density and texture. Based on the PAW value, the farmer can draw up the irrigation plan. But what methods for determining the moisture content of the soil are there?
Ways to determine the sufficient level of soil moisture
The available methods for determining soil moisture values are based on the preliminary selection of samples, followed by their analysis directly in the field or in the laboratory.
Soil moisture measurement methods are usually classified as direct, indirect, and remote. Direct methods include the removal of water from a sample through evaporation, washing, and chemical reaction. The soil moisture calculation is based on the weight of the extracted water and the level of dryness. Indirect methods include the measurement of soil characteristics as a function of water content. They can also measure the characteristics of a certain object, usually like that of a porous absorber.
Unfortunately, the relationship between soil moisture and its physical and chemical properties is not fully known. Remote measurements of soil moisture are based on satellite data using the reflection of electromagnetic radiation of a specific spectrum from the surface.
The most popular direct methods are gravimetric and volumetric.
Gravimetric soil moisture (%) = [mass of moist soil (g) – mass of oven-dry soil (g) / mass of oven-dry soil (g)] × 100;
Volumetric soil moisture (%) = [volume of water (cm)
Other methods on how to measure soil moisture in the field are as follows:
Radioactive : measurement of radioactive substances in the soil.
Electrical – requires determining the resistance, conductivity, inductance, as well as the capacity of the ground.
Tensometric : based on the difference in voltage of the water at different boundaries of the phases.
Optics : characterized by the reflectivity of light streams.
Express methods : mainly organoleptic.
Soil Moisture In The Context Of Field Monitoring
The ability to predict soil moisture helps to efficiently plan field work at any stage of crop growth, and includes the following:
The Soil Moisture Level Defines The Appropriate Time For Sowing
Farmers should carefully assess the water level before starting to plant. The optimum degree of soil moisture depends on the crop, the type of soil, the region and other variables. For example, rice grows well in wetlands, but upland crops like wheat, mustard, potato, legumes, etc. they are sensitive to excessive water levels and cannot survive waterlogging for long.
Rapeseed may seem like a simple crop, but your planting dates must be carefully planned. Since rapeseed is a moisture-loving crop, the amount of rainfall during the growing season should be at least 280-300mm. Although seeds will not root without moisture, the depth of planting should not be increased to achieve moisture. When the effective moisture is expected to be at a depth of at least 50 mm, it is better to wait for rain or sow the seeds to a depth less than 50 mm in the hope of rain. However, if the soil is warm enough, deep seeding of rapeseed can be done. This allows the seeds to be sown in the moist layer.
With deep seeding of rapeseed, the seeding rate should be increased by at least 10%. In any case, it is necessary that it rain soon after for the sowing to be successful.
Drought Forecasting And Surveillance
Atmospheric drought, that is, a warm period without rain with an air humidity of less than 30-35%, is accompanied by dryness in the soil. It manifests as a decrease in soil moisture reserves to the point of wilting, as well as overheating and an increase in concentration to toxic levels.
Using the Soil Moisture Index (SMI), calculated by satellite monitoring, farmers can ensure success for their crops. This index was developed by Bergman for the US National Weather Service in the mid-1980s as a way to assess arid conditions on a global scale. Determines the degree of aridity or saturation, demonstrating how the lack of soil moisture affects crop productivity.
The Impact Of Machinery On Grounds With A High Level Of Humidity
Efficient agricultural practices involve avoiding the use of tractors and cultivating or planting in excessively wet land to avoid compaction and other structural damage. Farmers’ assessment can be visual when assessing water saturation. With a handful of earth, you can form a ball with your hands to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of water. Alternatively, more technologically advanced methods can be used to determine soil moisture content;
The Importance Of Soil Moisture Control
Crop monitoring is essential in smart agriculture , as it facilitates all stages of the cultivation process. The information on each zone of the field, the state of the crops, the quality of the operations, the meteorological conditions and the operation of the equipment allows specialists to make well-informed and reliable decisions. In order for farmers to get enough information about the above mentioned aspects, remote observation is an effective tool.
Soil moisture mapping helps to get all the necessary data with just a few clicks. To achieve this, save the field and wait for the map to be built. Subsequently, you will get a map with a legend that describes the values of each pixel, as well as a graph (the curve of the relationship between soil moisture and the amount of soil itself). The user can then analyze this curve at different depths (layers), view flood zones (in underground caves) or process 5-year historical data in various regions. In this way, farmers can make comparisons. The field map looks like this:
The control and forecast of soil moisture is essential for the optimal growth of crops. Accurate monitoring of soil moisture allows efficient control of nutrients and other inputs. New crop monitoring technologies allow automated monitoring of soil moisture. The data obtained helps to maintain optimal soil moisture during irrigation and therefore allows for efficient crop results.
What Soil Moisture Is Used For In Field Monitoring
Determine planting dates; For example, rapeseed will not sow (sowing dates are unknown) in dry soil (if it is not sufficiently moist).
Forecasting and monitoring of dry spells (atmospheric humidity indicators together with soil moisture)
Farmers will not use heavy machinery in the field, as they could get stuck in the mud if the ground is excessively wet.
Coverage. The water level is determined by the humidity index. When the natural soil moisture is below the proper level and the required level cannot be achieved by irrigation, it is time to contact the insurance companies.

Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero +(57) – 310.200.97.32 Martha Ribero Juan Nicolas Vargas Ribero A DIFFERENTIATED CULTIVATION Café de Santander, Café

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