G Regenerative agriculture
Our commitment

🇨🇴 A decent life for the coffee farmer and the land 🇨🇴

The coffee t+ank project

The reality of the coffee farmer in Colombia

The coffee farmer’s contribution to the cost of a coffee drink is much greater than the share he earns from the final product.

Isn’t it?

This final string is totally unfair in the way prices are set.

Receiving a price higher than the market price is the only way for

“The coffee farmers to return  to a decent life.”

The buyer, being able to manage the business as a distributor, could pay the coffee grower much more than the spot market price, giving him the benefit he deserves, since his contribution is much greater, acting in this way would be the well-deserved recognition of the coffee grower since the generous Colombian land at the public price

Colombia is a coffee producer country,

And in a coffee-producing country its inhabitant must have access to the coffee it produces, a 100% Arabica coffee and not consume a coffee with such a significant percentage of Robusta or Quackers. In other words, how is it possible that in Colombia when you review the national import list and see that the import quantities* of bad coffee that is brought from countries like Indonesia, Vietnam or Ecuador to a country that has wanted to take care of the quality of your coffee is that big? That means that there are people who are mixing a lot of national coffee with this coffee from abroad and that is what Colombians get, and for a price with even quite high margins.

It is not fair at all, being a coffee producing country, people have the right to drink locally produced 100% arabica coffee and at an affordable local price.

[* Import report DIAN 092022]

We are going to study with schemes the most appropriate way to achieve social security for coffee growers and restoration of coffee agriculture, including rapprochement with the State, being the Colombian Coffee Grower and the Colombian Soil an absolute part of the responsibility of this entity.

 « Colombian coffee is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated in the world… »,

A. Coffee growers

  • Benefits coffee families and their workers / social security and old age pension.
  • Understand the 5 points of regenerative agriculture and apply them respecting each farm its particularity and adaptability.

Regenerative agriculture
Soil erosion 
Cover crop

  • A powerful green coffee in sensory attributes for the local Colombian market and the international market, no spot price, just fair price.
  • Direct trade between coffee growers and coffee buyers.

B. Colombian Coffee Roaster

  • Knowledge for the selection, threshing, roasting and packaging of specialty coffee.
  • Direct trade between coffee roasters and roasted coffee buyers.

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Pack Espresso

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades

Pack de 4 Box

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.

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