Single Origin Coffee, Huila

LAS GARMAS FARM - Fernando Rosero
Fernando Rosero
V Agriculture regeneratrice
Le projet coffee t+ank
Single Origin Coffee, Huila

Direct Trading

The producer:

  • Fernando Rosero
  • Specialty coffee, 83+
  • Cenicafe 1, Tambo Castle
  • Price per kg 6.5 USD
  • Quantity 17.500Kg
  • Delivery 30 days

Coffee T+ank:

  • Drafting of the delivery contract.
  • Delivery: Sea port or customer freight forwarder. 
  • Execution: Monitoring, transportation.
  • Documentation: Invoices, certificate of origin, cancellation of the coffee contribution, certified by the national federation of coffee growers.
Single Origin Coffee, Huila


Our producer, Fernando, Finca Garmas, provides coffee with very generous organoleptic characteristics. The work of the land in Finca Buenavista combines technology, as well as a continual and conscious regenerative agriculture transition. Soil, water and forest biomass protection.

Working with Fernando is working with specialty coffees.


  • The excellent coffee from Huila, Colombia, is prestigious and is sold in packaging of 250 gr or 340 gr at least, 8-13 usd per presentation.
  • Our Roastmaster knows the coffees from the Buenavista farm very well, he could provide you with information to perfect your curve and also deliver your roasted coffee in packaging of your choice or in the coffee+tank.
Single Origin Coffee, Huila


80% at the time of the signing of the contract.

The balance of 20% upon receipt at the seaport. 

Coffee is delivered by identified bags:

  • Euro, mesh 15
  • Ugq, mesh 14
  • Supremo, mesh 18

Single Origin Coffee, Huila


  Green coffee in kg 17500  
  70kg unit bags 250  
  Price/kg in usd $6.50  
  Coffee value in usd $113'750.00  

  transportation usd $1,500.00  
  Sacks (jute) unit $2.28  
  Grainpro bags a. $2.85  
  Contribution Coffee Maker per pound $0.06  
  Total cost @seaport  usd $117'347.75  
Single Origin Coffee, Huila



Assuming a freight and service cost of up
to 0.5 usd/kg.
As below, let's check the profitability...

Roasting: classic drum, 25kg batche,
medium high roast.

Total Green Coffee in Kg 17'500.00
Freight cost per kg $0.50
Green coffee cost per kg
freight and fees inclusive
Roasting loss 16.00%
Cost of roasted coffee per kg $8.36
Cost Roastmaster per kg $0.25
Cost energy per kg $0.10
Overall roaster cost per kg $0.05
Total Roasted Coffee in Kg 14'700.00
Price bags 250gr/340gr $0.20
Cardboard cost 20un. per bag $0.20
Total bags 250gr units 58'800.00
Cost bag 250gr $2.29
Total cost 250gr bags $134'628.92
Sale bags 250gr /8$ a. $470'400.00
Gross profit margin 250gr 71.38%
Total bags 12oz/340gr a. 43'235.29
Cost bag 340gr $3.36
Total cost bags 340 gr $145'359.26
Sale bags 340gr/$10 a. $432'352.94
Gross profit margin 340gr 66.38%

Does not include taxes or nationalization expenses.


Cupping logo for sensory rating system.
Export logo for commercial classification.

To determine the quality of the coffee we buy, there is 2 well known systems: 

1 Commercial clasificación 

2 Sensorial rating system.

The difference between the two is very important, on the one hand the commercial classification serves for industrial transactions while the sensory rating system serves to recognize the attributes and complexes of the specialty cafe.
Below we put at your disposal the various criteria.

When we export coffee, commercial-grade classification allow an immediate audit. While at the farm and at customer's, cupping make it possible to describe the sensory level of the bean (visual and gustative)

The SCA score allow to:

1/ Offer a high quality coffees

2/ Support coffee growers on small farms who work respecting the tradition of coffee growing as well as nature.

The SCA score has a scale from 0 to 100 and only coffees with more than 80 points are considered specialty .

Muy bueno

Fragrance and Aroma: Fragrance is the smell of dry ground coffee and Aroma is the smell of brewed coffee.
Taste: ranges from the aroma and acidity to the aftertaste perceived together by the tongue and the nose....
Aftertaste : it is the flavor that the coffee leaves on the palate after tasting it, or spitting it out if we are tasting it.

What is specialty coffee? There are many secrets to achieve a good coffee, here comes the notion of scoring in tasting .


Acidity : appears in the first sip and is characterized by a vibrant and fresh coffee flavor. This acidity is more noticeable in coffees with washed treatments.
Body : it is the texture of the coffee in the mouth and depends on the type of coffee maker and the sediments dragged from the ground coffee during the infusion.
Balance : it is the union of flavor, aftertaste, acidity and body.

Specialty coffee tasting, as we have seen, a coffee can only be called specialty if it passes the criteria of a tasting, carried out by a professional. This requirement makes it possible to guarantee the organoleptic quality for the consumer, as well as give a coffee grower notoriety .


Sweetness : there is talk of the full and pleasant flavor of coffee with sweet touches.
Clean cup  : corresponds to the fact that no negative aspects appear from the first sip to the aftertaste.

Uniformity : it is to see if the characteristic elements of a coffee are maintained in all the cups prepared.

This is the grade of the green beans.

In Colombia, it is used for classifying the quality of exported bags.

Excelso is marketed as the only coffee in the world that is supplied in constant volume throughout the year. Even better, in the cup it displays a reliably distinctive combination of body and acidity .


UGQ stands for Usual Good Quality. It is used to refer to coffee where the beans are larger than 14 mesh. 14 mesh measures 5.5 millimeters.

EUROPA is marketed as a superior grain in the Excelsio range where most grains are larger than 15/64 mesh .


'Europe' type: 15 mesh for France, Spain, Italy (Tolerance: 2.5% of grains between 12 and 15 mesh)

Supremo is marketed as the best coffee supplied to the Colombian Coffee industry, the cup quality being the highest in the industry range .


Green coffee processed on circular perforation mesh of 17/64" in diameter with a tolerance of 5% of grain retained by the 14/64" mesh*


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Pack Espresso

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades

Pack de 4 Box

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.

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