agroforestry insetting for coffee


--- Enseignement provenant de IPO (

The negative effects of climate change can be seen in coffee growing regions Climatic conditions reduce and affect the productivity, quality, yields and livelihoods of coffee growers.

The need for change and greater resilience in the coffee community is evident.

Agroforestry is an ancient agricultural technique that is being rediscovered in the fight against the climate and natural crisis. Agroforestry is the intentional combination of trees and shrubs with crops (and also livestock) to create a resilient ecosystem that benefits farmers, biodiversity and the climate.

Planting native trees in coffee plantations and surrounding landscapes offers multiple benefits.
Its plant cover protects the crop from bad weather. Trees sequester carbon, removing it from the atmosphere and acting as a natural solution to climate change. They provide new income to farmers through the sale of fruits and wood. Carbon sequestered in trees can be calculated, certified to existing standards, and used by the company to claim a net zero goal or a net zero product.

By creating natural carbon sinks – by planting trees – in a company's source coffee landscapes, the company offsets residual GHG emissions that cannot be reduced in any other way.

The company's commitment to buy these carbon gains helps incentivize and finance the transition to more sustainable and resilient practices.

In addition to the impact of carbon sequestration, insertion creates multiple co-benefits.


Companies reduce GHG emissions from their operations, increase carbon sequestration by restoring natural carbon sinks, improve soil health, restore local water cycles, and reverse the loss of forests and biodiversity. At the same time, they promote climate resilience, support the livelihoods of local producers and strengthen communities.

Working closely with suppliers and implementing low-carbon and regenerative practices at the heart of a company's value chain enables land to be used sustainably, building a more resilient business model .

All projects are developed within ecosystems connected to the organization's value chain, which allows integration of its vision, values, management system and programs.

Les projets d'intégration offrent un large éventail d'impacts positifs qui aident les entreprises à atteindre leurs objectifs de développement durable et à respecter leurs engagements envers le climat, la nature et les communautés.

En plus de réduire les émissions, l'intégration peut également renforcer la résilience climatique au sein de la chaîne d'approvisionnement d'une entreprise et aider à restaurer les écosystèmes vitaux dont dépendent les fournisseurs. En créant des synergies entre l'atténuation du changement climatique et l'adaptation dans l'agriculture, l'intégration peut également générer des incitations et des financements pour l'adaptation au changement climatique, tout en améliorant les moyens de subsistance des agriculteurs.

Better management of agricultural land and natural resources leads to higher productivity and a more stable supply of raw materials, making companies' value chains more resilient in the long term.

Companies' relationships with other agents in the value chain are changing beyond a simple financial transaction. Working in partnership with suppliers builds trust, brings greater transparency to supply chain activities, and helps identify opportunities to reduce emissions that create shared value for all.


Insetting allows companies to integrate their investment in nature into their sustainability strategies and goals. Improving agricultural practices, agroforestry, restoration and conservation enable companies to deal effectively with climatic and natural crises.

Insetting rates mainly have an impact where they are most needed:






agroforestry insetting for coffee WHAT IS INSETTING AND HOW DOES IT WORK? INSETTING — Enseignement provenant de IPO ( The

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Pack Espresso

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades

Pack de 4 Box

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.

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