Probar un espresso no es solo una bebida, se convierte en una experiencia para tus sentidos. Por eso, en este artículo plasmaremos la representación gráfica de estas sensaciones captadas por nuestros sentidos, lo que se conoce como mapa sensorial.

Pero, ¿qué es un mapa sensorial? Es la organización y representación gráfica de un conjunto de elementos que han sido percibidos por los sentidos humanos. En referencia al café, su mapa sensorial consiste en captar los atributos percibidos por los sentidos de los expertos en café, a partir de las características que posee un espresso, como su aroma, sabor, color y textura. Artículo de interés relacionado  https://coffeetank.net/tomar-cafe-reduce-las-posibilidades-de-recudir-diabetes/ 

La identificación de estos elementos nos permite reconocer características peculiares como la calidez de la taza, la acidez, el sabor, etc.




Estas características se han recopilado en el mapa sensorial del café, que además muestra la gran diversidad de sensaciones que produce el espresso en los diferentes catadores. Por lo tanto, el mapa sensorial del café gira en torno a 3 categorías; el aroma, el gusto y la vista, que, a su vez, son percibidos por sus respectivos sentidos, olfato, gusto y vista. Los invitamos a leer el siguiente artículo de interés  https://coffeetank.net/un-estudio-asegura-que-el-cafe-permite-reducir-el-riego-de-contagio-de-covid-19/


Este elemento se percibe con la vista y con la apariencia del café a nivel físico. Por ejemplo, si la bebida tiende a tener matices de color rojo oscuro, líneas de color marrón oscuro y una textura suave, entonces el grano de café es de origen arábica. Pero en cambio, si la crema es marrón con tonalidades grises y de textura abierta, es decir, con burbujas grandes, en este caso es café Robusta.

Por otro lado, el cuerpo del café se percibe a la vista. Este elemento está determinado por la densidad de la bebida que es producida por las emulsiones oleosas y sustancias insolubles llamadas coloides que se encuentran en los extractos.


Hundreds of aromatic compounds (450 aromatic chemical compounds) give the espresso its famous intense aroma that allows it to be perceived by the sense of smell. 
From the roasting process, flavoring compounds are assimilated, providing the coffee bean with the well-known roasting fragrance that espressos lovers enjoy.

However, the aroma of the coffee can depend on different variants such as the variety and quality of the coffee, along with its preparation. With these elements, each person distinguishes with their nose different aromas of the same coffee. For example, you can notice the aroma of caramel, cereals, cookies, bakery, light touches of butter or vanilla, cocoa aroma of chocolate, etc.

Aunque la bebida de café no solo puede generar este tipo de sensaciones, además, la crema de café también puede llevar a imaginar matices de nueces, almendras o avellanas.


El sabor del café se percibe gracias a nuestras papilas gustativas. El sabor del espresso es el resultado de tres elementos esenciales para el café:

  1. El aroma:  el sabor característico y por excelencia de la bebida negra.
  2. La sensación de acidez:  una especie de falso gusto fresco que produce una sensación agradable.
  3. La sensación de dulzura:  El sabor del café y su dulzura ligera y natural es el componente deseable de un espresso excelentemente preparado.

El sentido del gusto utiliza las papilas gustativas para reconocer y distinguir los sabores en el extracto, así como para determinar su densidad. En conclusión, el espresso debe tener un sabor equilibrado y armonioso, ningún sabor debe prevalecer sobre los demás, a menos que se quiera lograr preferencias específicas.


Tasting an espresso is similar to tasting a glass of red wine… But it could also be compared to analyzing a perfume. The sense of smell, with direct smell (through the nose) and after-taste (through swallowing, in the case of coffee), is essential. We evaluate, analyze, describe the aromas of a coffee… A bit like we comment on the fragrances of a perfume! For the drink we look for spicy, fruity, floral, acidic, woody, full-bodied notes… In addition, olfactory memory allows us to orient ourselves. While we drink a coffee (or a glass of wine), or smell a perfume, we more or less quickly remember the spicy aroma of another coffee tasted a few months ago, in a specific place, as we remember this or that floral smell. There are many aromas to identify in a coffee: this is how we detect floral and fruity aromas in the blends of the Arômes de Carte Noire range. American researchers and tasters have created a “wheel” of coffee aromas. They identified 85 aromas, although almost 800 different aroma molecules have been identified in coffee! – like lemon, pepper, rose, brown sugar, whiskey or even olive oil, which come together to form a flavor: fruity, floral, sour, sweet, vegetal, spicy, grilled or even chocolatey. Also, this wheel is built like… the aroma wheel of wine. Because, ultimately, when we analyze a coffee, a wine or a perfume, we are especially attached to a great common point: the richness of the aromas. They identified 85 aromas, although almost 800 different aroma molecules have been identified in coffee! – like lemon, pepper, rose, brown sugar, whiskey or even olive oil, which come together to form a flavor: fruity, floral, sour, sweet, vegetal, spicy, grilled or even chocolatey. Also, this wheel is built like… the aroma wheel of wine. Because, ultimately, when we analyze a coffee, a wine or a perfume, we are especially attached to a great common point: the richness of the aromas. They identified 85 aromas, although almost 800 different aroma molecules have been identified in coffee! – like lemon, pepper, rose, brown sugar, whiskey or even olive oil, which come together to form a flavor: fruity, floral, sour, sweet, vegetal, spicy, grilled or even chocolatey. Also, this wheel is built like… the aroma wheel of wine. Because, ultimately, when we analyze a coffee, a wine or a perfume, we are especially attached to a great common point: the richness of the aromas. This wheel is built like… the aroma wheel of wine. Because, ultimately, when we analyze a coffee, a wine or a perfume, we are especially attached to a great common point: the richness of the aromas. This wheel is built like… the aroma wheel of wine. Because, ultimately, when we analyze a coffee, a wine or a perfume, we are especially attached to a great common point: the richness of the aromas.


The “recipe” of a coffee ‘but’, as with wine, the flavor of a coffee is not only linked to its terroir. It also depends on human labor. First, that of the local producer, with the choice of the variety and the harvest at maturity. The coffee is then carefully cleaned, classified, calibrated and then transported to the places of consumption. Then roasters such as Fraiche et Kaffe come into play, which will choose to offer so-called pure origin coffees, or to make assemblies (also called “blends”) of beans. This is reminiscent, once again, of the blends that are made in viticulture. For coffee, the beans may come from different countries and have been harvested in different seasons. The objective is to select the best of each variety, create a specific flavor by mixing complementary aromas, but also obtain a constant quality throughout the year. Finally, the type of roast will also influence the flavor of the coffee and reveal the aromas. The roaster can choose a light roast (predominance of acidity), medium (more sweetness) or dark (more bitterness).

When tasting a glass of wine, we observe, we smell, we taste. For coffee, it’s almost the same. It is even about mobilizing your five senses. But the comparison between coffee and wine does not end there. These drinks, as different as they are, are both products of one region. What is a terroir? The Larousse gives a first general description: it is “the set of lands of a region, considered from the point of view of their agricultural aptitudes and that provide one or more characteristic products, for example a wine” (Microclimat for coffee).

If we talk about wine, the OIGW (International Organization of grape and Wine) clarifies the definition: “The viticultural “terroir” is a concept that refers to a space in which a collective knowledge of the interactions between a being physically and biologically identifiable and the viticultural practices applied, which give distinctive characteristics to the products originating from this space. “Terroir” includes specific characteristics of soil, topography, climate, landscape and biodiversity.” For coffee, the importance of terroir is similar. So there are many different terroirs, in Central America, Brazil, West Africa… Each area has its own coffee. Beans from a Peruvian valley certainly won’t taste the same as beans from an Ethiopian highland. Why? What is the influence of terroir on the flavor of coffee? Several factors come into play: the nature of the soil, the altitude (the higher the field, the more acid the coffee will have), the shade of the plantation (allowing the quiet development of the coffee cherries)… In the coffee language we call it Microclimat.



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Pack Espresso

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades

Pack de 4 Box

$272.000 $255.000
Región: Según la selección Cantidad: 340 Gr. 4 Unidades


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.


$68.000 $65.000
Many consider Espresso as a bitter, strong and difficult drink, what we respond to these comments in Fraiche et Kaffe is that Espresso must be given the opportunity to captivate us. A well-prepared Espresso, with well-selected and well-roasted grains, has sweet characteristics, body like honey and shades that can go through chocolate, fruity, caramel flavors and much more. * SCAA definition. Espresso is a 1-1.5 oz drink. prepared with 7 – 9 grams of coffee through which treated water of 198 – 202 degrees Fahrenheit (88 – 92 C) has been forced at 9 – 10 atmospheres of pressure, and where the coffee grind is such that the extraction time It is about 20-30 seconds. Muchos consideran el Espresso como una bebida amarga, fuerte y difícil de tomar, lo que respondemos a estos comentarios en Fraiche et Kaffe es que al Espresso hay que darle la oportunidad de cautivarnos. Un Espresso bien preparado, con unos granos bien seleccionados y bien tostados, tiene características dulces, cuerpo como la miel y tonalidades que pueden pasar por los sabores achocolatados, afrutados, acaramelados y mucho más. * Definición SCAA. Espresso es una bebida de 1- 1.5 oz. preparada con 7 – 9 gramos de café a través del cual agua tratada de 198 – 202 grados Farenheit (88 – 92 C) ha sido forzada a 9 – 10 atmosferas de presión, y donde el molido del café es tal que el tiempo de extracción es de 20 – 30 segundos aproximadamente.

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