El proyecto
For the moment the farmers are very much left alone when they are going on the path to transition they have to bear the risk, they are aware that changing in practice always makes a certain risk. Most farmers in the European Union are at the end of their 50’s and at that phase you usually don’t take that risk and have the energy anymore to make that transition when no one is supporting them in that. The farmer who are operating regeneratively especially those who are doing it for years, they have no incentive system, they had no external motivation, it is pure internal, intrinsic reasoning that they want to do this. And you see the passion in their work, and you also see in the field. You see the biodiversity, you hear the birds singing. What we are working on is to take the risk away for the ideally, knowing that we will have less yield for the first 3 to 5 years. During that time the risk is on us, and we will act like an insurance for the farmers, and have them practice free from that loss, as there are costs for losses and consultation or accompagnement, even to create a transition plan and to talk with someone who can help them in figuring out what make sense in that specific context costs somewhere between 5000 to 10000 euro.
So the implementation of a system where 60 to 80% of the costs is covered and the farmer puts 20 to 40 % of the cost themselves. Regenerative farm is one of the very few places where nature and human are one which they are!
“Farmers are very much left alone on the path to transition.” 🚜
Yesterday marked a significant milestone for nature restoration in Europe. Now, more than ever, farmers across the 27 European nations require extensive support transitioning to farming practices that can support natural ecosystems, as well as produce nutritious food. 🍏
As Philippe Birker, Co-Founder of Climate Farmers, describes, it can take 3-5 years to successfully transition to regenerative practices. But currently there is not adequate support for farmers – anyone making this transition carries the full financial and risk burden themselves. 🤷
Providing grants, low-interest loans and subsidies would ease this burden in the short-term and help farmers reap the long-term rewards of regenerative agriculture. 🐝
But it’s not only financial support that farmers require. Training programmes, collaborative networks and research are key for up-skilling farmers in regenerative knowledge. Updated government policy and market incentives that foster a business-friendly environment are equally vital to ensure the future is prosperous for both businesses and nature. 🌳
Europe has voted for a future of nature restoration, but it is only through adequate support for all farmers across the continent that we can transform this vision into a reality! 🙏
Yesterday marked a significant milestone for nature restoration in Europe. Now, more than ever, farmers across the 27 European nations require extensive support transitioning to farming practices that can support natural ecosystems, as well as produce nutritious food. 🍏
As Philippe Birker, Co-Founder of Climate Farmers, describes, it can take 3-5 years to successfully transition to regenerative practices. But currently there is not adequate support for farmers – anyone making this transition carries the full financial and risk burden themselves. 🤷
Providing grants, low-interest loans and subsidies would ease this burden in the short-term and help farmers reap the long-term rewards of regenerative agriculture. 🐝
But it’s not only financial support that farmers require. Training programmes, collaborative networks and research are key for up-skilling farmers in regenerative knowledge. Updated government policy and market incentives that foster a business-friendly environment are equally vital to ensure the future is prosperous for both businesses and nature. 🌳
Europe has voted for a future of nature restoration, but it is only through adequate support for all farmers across the continent that we can transform this vision into a reality! 🙏
Aplicaciones del biochar y cómo usarlo en el suelo
El biochar triturado tiene una superficie mayor que el biochar grueso una área más importante significa más espacio para que el agua y los nutrientes se colocan, es decir, los pedazos pequeños de biochar son más eficientes para el almacenamiento de agua y nutrientes. Sin embargo el biochar en polvo no es del todo necesario. Tomará más tiempo triturar el biochar que el mismo proceso de carbonizado y con el tiempo el biochar se romperá en pedazos más pequeños en su suelo. Si el suelo es arcilloso y necesita agregar espacios de aire para mejorar el drenaje, se recomienda pedazos más grandes. Finalmente cualquier tamaño de biochar, pedazos pequeños o grandes serán ambos una mejora asombrosa para el suelo.
El biochar está altamente recomendado para la producción de compost; en preparación de sustratos para semillas en viveros, enterrado en el suelo para trasplantes de árboles forestales y cultivos, ayuda mucho a sanear y reducir olores cuando se usa como suelo para instalaciones animales y maximiza la recogida de orina y estiércol.
Al cambiarles la cobertura puede ser añadido directamente al suelo o incorporado en el compost. Los suelos arcillosos son muy pesados y densos de manera que no entra mucho aire al suelo pero el biochar tiene una estructura porosa que añade espacios de aire u oxígeno, permitiendo un mejor crecimiento radicular y activar microorganismos. Los suelos arenosos, filtran el agua y enjuagan los nutrientes muy rápido, aplicar biochar ayuda a almacenar agua y nutrientes para una adecuada retención de ambos. Además, el carbón puede utilizarse en la biorremediación para tratar los tanques sépticos y el agua contaminada con metales pesados por esa razón se utiliza en filtros de lluvia también. Aplicado al suelo y filtros de agua el carbón disminuye la contaminación enlazando las partículas dañinas para que luego los microorganismos puedan procesarlos y volverlas inofensivas.
El biochar cuenta con un proceso de producción muy preciso por dos razones.
- La sostenibilidad:
– Posible emisión de dióxido de carbono.
– Rastro de contaminación.
- La Pirólisis:
La fijación de carbono según una curva de carbonización óptima definida de acuerdo con la densidad y el origen de la biomasa.
Enseguida es importante conocer la manera de mezclar los microbios para inocular o activar el carbón.
Por fin las medidas de aplicación de biochar para restaurar correctamente la estructura y fertilidad de los suelos.