We are sourcing, selecting , roasting and packing, Your Specialty Coffee.

Bourbon Rosado

This coffee has been cultivated in Huila at El Viso neighbour farm. Processed and shipped by Fredy Cordoba.
The coffee was carefully roasted and packed and then brought to your cup.
We hope you will enjoy enough to send us a little feedback.

The Coffee T+ank Team.

What is the bourbon variety? Should it be called  Bourbon Rosado or simply Rosado?

WCR describes the Bourbon variety as a high and medium yielding plant with green leaves that has the potential to produce good quality coffee at high altitudes. It is a natural mutation of the Arabica plant, which has grown wild in Ethiopia for many centuries.

RD2VISION states that it seems that we will call this varietal, Rosado, and not Bourbon as the varietal Rosado comes directly from Ethiopia and has no genetic tools of any Bourbon). Pink still has some very interesting sensory complexes.
==> According to Christophe Montagnon (PARIS-FRANCE-RD2 VISION / Genetic Laboratory, Director)